Divampa la polemica sul web dopo la frase in tv dell'analista statunitense Steven Emerson, liquidato da Cameron con "E' un idiota"
“E’ chiaramente un completo idiota”. Parole durissime quelle usate dal premier britannico David Cameron contro un commentatore di Fox News, Steven Emerson, che in diretta aveva detto che la città inglese di Birmingham è “del tutto musulmana” ed è un luogo dove i non islamici non mettono piede.
“Mi sono strozzato col mio porridge e pensavo che fosse il giorno del pesce d’aprile”, ha aggiunto il primo ministro. “Ha iniziato a scusarsi – ha sottolineato Cameron riferendosi al ‘mea culpa’ di Emerson – non è un cattivo inizio. Ma dovrebbe guardare a Birmingham e vedere come la città sia un fantastico esempio di convivenza fra persone di fedi e origini diverse”.
Intanto la polemica divampa anche sul web.
As #FoxNewsFacts reaches over 250,000 tweets, here's some #BBCNewsFacts about Birmingham pic.twitter.com/Bbt0uLLmUc
— BBC Trending (@BBCtrending) January 12, 2015
Mecca Bingo, probable proof of the Islamic domination of Birmingham according to #foxnewsfactspic.twitter.com/idByIkkrzQ
— Lewis Bush (@LewisKayBush) January 11, 2015
At a height of 152m, Birmingham's main minaret is the tallest in the world #foxnewsfactspic.twitter.com/lzLa68aLD5
— BBC Free Speech (@BBCFreeSpeech) January 11, 2015
In birmingham, buildings wear the burqa #foxnewsfactspic.twitter.com/S7fMfYkUht
— Malcolm Coles (@malcolmcoles) January 11, 2015
All Birmingham restaurants are obliged to serve food "Allah Carte" #foxnewsfacts
— Keir Shiels (@keirshiels) January 11, 2015
Guinness was actually inspired by the niqab. #FoxNewsFactspic.twitter.com/xpSxm2jYZj
— Robin Wigglesworth (@RobinWigg) January 11, 2015
Terrifying photo of how a typical Muslim from Birmingham guards the city gates against infidels. #foxnewsfactspic.twitter.com/w1TJt93VEi
— Pavilion Opinions (@pavilionopinion) January 11, 2015
BREAKING: Fox News publishes up-to-date map of terrorist movements. pic.twitter.com/9fiuVFgksf
— James Martin (@Pundamentalism) January 11, 2015
#FoxNewsFacts Left: before moving to Birmingham. Right: same man, after living in Birmingham. pic.twitter.com/ne8fT92WM2
— Richard Adams (@RichardA) January 11, 2015
The formation of rainbows. #foxnewsfactspic.twitter.com/6uKoxvTy2v
— Ricky Kuzco (@kuzco890) January 12, 2015
Thanks @FoxNews for reminding us all how graphs work...because 6 million is about 1/3 of 7 million? #foxnewsfactspic.twitter.com/ozk44dnItV”
— MJG (@MichaelGamache) January 12, 2015
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